Westwinds Land Use Redesignation

City Vibe Developments is proposing to build three six-storey multi-family rental buildings in the community of Westwinds, on the southwest corner of Castleridge Boulevard and 64 Avenue N.E.

An application has been submitted to the City of Calgary to redesignate this land from Commercial – Regional 1 (C-R1) to Multi-Residential Medium Profile (M-2) with a height modifier of ~1.6m

The M-2 zoning designation was chosen to facilitate medium-density housing in Westwinds while delivering an affordable option to help combat the current housing crisis Calgary is facing.

Click to enlarge

We believe the following reasons makes this site an ideal location for a multi-family rental building:

Given the site’s location within the TOD (Transit-oriented Development) zone around the McKnight/Westwinds LRT station, there is a large opportunity to support the City of Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan goals of locating higher density residential uses within 600 metres of transit hubs.

Artistic conceptual rendering, subject to change through development permit process. View from internal surface parking area of the western building.

Our vision for the site includes:


For more information, contact:

Tamille Beynon

Communications & Engagement Advisor